Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Three Years.

September 18, 2015. Will always be a day I remember. This particular day changed my entire life, and the life of my family. Duncan had been sick, throwing up and sleeping for the past three days, and I couldn't get him to eat anything. I called his pediatrician after dropping Cyrus and Caleb off at school. I explained he was throwing up, his breathing was quick, and sounded wheezy, and his feet were cold. The nurse on the other end asked if he had a temperature, I said "no, no temperature." She told me it was probably a flu bug, and we just had to ride it out. "But, if he becomes unresponsive, get him to the emergency room right away." I kept my eye on him, and checked him every hour. Craig came home from his nursing program, we ate dinner, I went to see if Duncan wanted to eat, and I couldn't wake him up. I brought him into Craig, who pulled out his stethoscope. "His lungs are clear, but his heart is racing. First go get your dad, he needs a blessing. He then needs a doctor." With that my dad and Craig gave Duncan a blessing. I wish I could remember what they said, but I knew from this point on, it was up to the Lord. My dad and I rushed him to St Mary's where they did blood tests, started him on saline, and I got chewed out for not bringing him in sooner. I thought it was the flu! Later, when everything had settled down, and I sat by my little boy's bed, scared, pregnant, alone, praying he would be alright... a woman came to me. She sat down, and quietly said "I've just been reading your son's chart. It says you are LDS. What ward are you in? Who is your bishop? Does he know you're here? Who is your relief society president? Does your son need a blessing? I can call the missionaries, and they can be here in five minutes" I don't remember that nurse's name, I don't remember what she looked like, but I remember her gentle kindness. Her fellowship. Her sisterhood. She was a complete stranger, the Lord had sent to me, in my darkest hour, a sister to remind me I was not alone. She told me if I needed her, she would be at the desk, all I had to do was ask. She gave me a hug, and I knew, my spirit would be calm. It would be alright no matter the outcome. The Lord was there, I was not alone, and never would be alone in this battle.
Three years ago on September 18th my Duncan was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I took the classes, I listened to the nutritionist, I did my best to keep him healthy. He was never hospitalized again, in the two and a half years after his diagnosis.


There were times I wanted to throw in the towel and say "No More!" But I knew Duncan was special, and he was going to change the world one day. And he did. He changed the world for at least 4 people, and many more to come, as well as their families, and future generations. He will always be our special boy, and our beacon of light. It's still hard to go through this life without him, but knowing he no longer has to fight, gives me some peace. Duncan, I would have fought along side you to the end, and in a way I did. Happy 3 year Diaversary my little super hero! And to those that are still fighting, know we stand with you. We love you, and we know your struggles, your fears, and your moments weakness. Know you are not alone.

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